After the last rather fraught few weeks I felt ready for a holiday. Husband, daughter and I set off for Palma, Spain. My thinking was that it would be good to go somewhere where we didn’t have to hub. Theoretically it was good thinking…
It’s interesting to see how different people take to a holiday. For myself, I swim into it, happily nosing out places I feel are simpatico. Others seem to need about three days to settle in while going through problems with relaxing or feeling insecure (all the same thing actually). Not to name names, the other half of the partnership seems to fit into this latter camp. But I love going into the new setting and seeing how I operate; being in unfamiliar surrounds shows me the changes I have made in myself.
Certainly, after the past few weeks’ of intensive inner transforming I felt the fruits of my labour and was thoroughly enjoying making my way around. I do have to say though, that in the past I have had that particular dream in which one is abroad, wanders out of hotel, gets lost and then can’t remember the name of said hotel. This dream has cropped up several times for me, just like the one of knowing I have an exam to sit the next day, but I haven’t done any work for it. The last time I had that one, I actually found myself using my Core Energy technique in the dream!
Another thing about travelling, even for a short period, is the possibility of meeting interesting new people … and we did. Isn’t it extraordinary how one can get into very deeply meaningful conversation with a stranger? But it’s the sincerity in the exchange which is so important. I love it.
And then, for us sun starved and warmth starved northern dwellers, there is the SUN. This marvellous entity rising each day and showering us with its beneficence is worthy of any worship we may think to offer up in gratitude. Add in the beauties of a sparkling sea to reflect its glory and you have a situation where you can let your mind drift and relax. Mmmmm.
The next thing to enjoy is dressing for the sun and the warmth. This is another thing we in the northern hemisphere get little practice at. Actually, it took me a couple of days to feel at home in choosing my wardrobe… somehow the outfits I thought of back in Scotland did not work in the ambience of Palma. There was even a little clothes shopping which was required, but I think my favourite new item was my fan. Not only was it cooling, but I enjoyed immensely the different moods it induced according to whether I wafted it languidly, or fluttered it emphatically. Now I understand something of the language of the fan so deftly employed by those belles of a bygone era.
And my goodness, the amount of dining which suddenly seems so necessary on holiday. By two p.m. it seemed absolutely requisite to retire, or stop for lunch and the Spanish fayre was delicious. The different breads , mainly artisan wholemeal , had to be tasted , either with butter or dipped into olive oil … while we awaited our actual meal. I think the only thing which saved me from adding an untoward amount of pounds was the large amount of walking undertaken. There is something very seductive about sitting under a blue sky and sunshine ( in the shade) , gazing out at shimmering water and sipping chilled wine (extra ice cubes) and enjoying a little something tasty.
There was a little tiff at one point, but what holiday , or should I say what FAMILY holiday would be complete without that? I will say though that a very lovely restaurant in the old quarter was completely wasted on us one evening when no one spoke! Bond strengthening eventually!
So we took our final farewell lunch on the terrace of a lovely restaurant just round the corner from our hotel and then happily made our way to the airport and onto the plane ….. to sit and wait … and wait. After an hour we all returned to the airport and were told we would be put up at an hotel and fly out the next day once the fault with the plane had been rectified. There was goodhearted banter, especially when we were put down at MAGALUF but the blitz spirit prevailed.
Almost twenty four hours later than scheduled we flew home. In a sense we had hubbed after all … at Magaluf.
This collage of photos are a collection from our time in Palma from my instagram @C_Struthers