Something has happened to my thinking. I feel the same and yet I am not the same. It all started when my daughter (knowing my great interest in these matters) gave me a book at Christmas called “The Medical Medium”. Wherever psychics are concerned I am a bit of a soft touch, although I am not by any means always impressed by the depth of some of the revelations. However encouraged by the fact that Robert de Niro amongst many other well-known folks, had highly recommended this person, Anthony William, I read on with avidity.
The Goddess Saraswati [An ancient wooden sculpture on loan from a museum situated in our hotel]
I was just walking along, on a very normal day, along a very normal street, when a rather strange thing occurred.
These little miracles of winter arrived on my balcony a few days ago amidst blasting winds and driving rain and sleet.
Just in case we weren’t feeling the rawness of winter enough I recently “enjoyed” seeing the two films, “The Hateful Eight” and “The Revenant”.
I am listening to a Syrian refugee talk about her situation having reached the island of Kos. She is alone with her son; her wish is to give him a good life where he will live in freedom and receive an education.
What’s new? A good question. In fact I feel stymied by this question I have just asked myself.
No matter how well maintained all the rest of the connections are, like the lights on a Christmas tree, it just takes the one to snarl up the works. And unlike that Christmas tree, it isn’t always so obvious when we are dealing with people.
Is it coincidence that as we hit the first days of Spring I am experiencing a flow of fresh energy endowing all my undertakings with an extra level of focus and “thoroughness”.
In the middle of my recent illness (described copiously in previous posts) as I lay supine wondering if my end was nigh, I discovered on television the unexpectedly heart lifting programme called Undercover Boss USA.